Thursday, April 28, 2011

You look good enough to eat.

Recently, I fell in love...

Geranium and Lemongrass Oatmeal & Soy Milk

...with a lady and her soap. Normally, I'm a sensitive soul whose skin cannot be bothered with anything but Dove, but as it so often happens I was drawn in by the pink and stayed for the story.

Photographer by day and DJ by night. Miss DJ Nemesis spends what little free time she has left whipping up yummy concoctions in her kitchen. Most of her products look good enough to eat. In fact, you probably could. Fed up with the harsh chemicals and additives found in store bought solutions she set out to make a product good for the mind, body and soul. All while supporting local business owners and artisans along the way. Now that's something I can dig. She gets my official seal of approval for tugging at my tree-hugging heartstrings.

Everything looks, dare I say, delicious? Most of your products are made with all natural, vegan-friendly ingredients.
How important is that for you?

It is incredibly important. It is one of the fundamental reasons why I began making my products. I have incredibly fussy skin, and I was tired of always struggling to find things that didn't make me itch or break out in hives. There are so many gross chemicals and harsh detergents in body care products these days! It's frightening. If I make it, I know what's in it. There are no nasty surprises. I test everything I make on myself, and some of my friends and my family are always willing to try new concoctions to give me feedback. I'm also VERY against animal testing. It's completely unneccessary, cruel, and outdated. Even the products I make with beeswax and goat's milk are cruelty free. I try to buy locally sourced honey and beeswax as much as possible. [I also] research my ingredients and suppliers to the best of my ability. I want things to be high quality. I never sell anything I wouldn't use on myself or let my family use. Especially my nieces and nephew who [happen to be] some of my biggest customers.

Where do you find your inspiration?

All over. In nature, in my friends' creations, from my family, and from the ideas of my clients. Some of my favorite things are the result of custom orders. I love that.

Shea Butter Brains for Men
So, what's your story? Who do you think you are?
Tell us something about the lady behind the soap!

Who am I? Well, that's a question we all struggle with, isn't it? I think, like anyone else, I'm a combination of many things. I'm a lover of spookiness, an adorer of music, a collector of bats, spiders and black cats. I love my family and friends with a passion. I love DJing. I love photographing random things I find on the ground and in abandoned houses.

I've been drawn to the darker side of life for a while now. My mom used to call me Lydia, after the character from "Beetlejuice". It all started with a curiosity about tarot cards, Wicca and then eventually aromatherapy and "alternative" medicine. Naturally that lead to an interest in candles and bath and body products. 

I'm sort of a tree-hugger at heart. The idea of making my own lotions, potions and brews really appealed to me. I also wanted to do something that people could enjoy and benefit from. I initially started my bath and body business as a way to support my photography habit, and [it] just sort of took over. I still love photography and hope to reach a point where I can pursue that more, but for now most of my photographs are of soap.

Berries and Cream Soy Milk & Oatmeal

Tough stuff right here. What's your absolute favorite product?

This is probably the most difficult question ever! I put love into everything I make. Each piece is a little bit of me that I share with someone. Each piece is unique, literally. Handmade, by it's very nature, means that no two pieces will ever be exactly the same. I don't know that I can pick just one, but I have to admit that my I Heart Skulls Soap seems to be something that really encapsulates the essence of the things I make very well. I've used it a lot as the image for advertisements and promotion.

Who [local business, fellow crafter, up-and-coming musician] are you keeping an eye on?

I am blessed to know a great many very talented people: musicians, artists, makeup artists, set designers, graphic designers and DJs. Both locally and all over the place. I adore them all, and admire their talent and drive. People like Macabre Noir (of Morose and Macabre), Bella Sin, MCXIII, Brad Enlow (who designs theater sets), Chase Hale of Karnival Radio,  Brendan and Alex of Defcon, and so many more. They all inspire me and have been very supportive of what I do. I'm all about helping my friends and fellow artisans as much as I can.

Bella Sin - One of the Most Interesting People
Cleveland Magazine (January 2011)
Do you have any simple, sparkling advice for someone with a brilliant idea?

Absolutely. Just go for it! You'll never know until you try.
I know that sounds cliche, but our time here is short.
Why waste time wondering what if?

If you're interested in learning more or purchasing some of these beautiful products you can check out her shops:

Friday, April 22, 2011

My "I missed the sunshine." mixtape.

"Across the Universe" - Rufus Wainwright

"I'm Only Sleeping" - The Beatles

"Chinese" - Lily Allen

"Rootless Tree" (Live from Abbey Road) - Damien Rice

"Ohio" - Over the Rhine

"At Last" (Live from Athens, OH) - Duke Junior & the Smokey Boots

"Mrs. Robinson" - Pomplamoose

"Harvest Moon" - Neil Young

"Parting Gift" - Fiona Apple

"Candy" - Paolo Nutini

Newlydeads Salt & Pepper Shakers

Lowe's is giving away one MILLION trees in honor of Earth Day.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

And you got me wanting you.

I don't know how I haven't lost all my teeth by now.

Some of my earliest memories are of scraping change together to go flippin' crazy on some penny candy. 
Savoring Fireballs, Lemonheads and salt water taffy like only a little lady in jelly shoes can.

Repeat memory at age twelve.
Warheads, ShockTarts, Sour Punch Straws on the bleachers.
It was around then that the very first in a series of many marshmallow Peeps met its end at the hands of me and our family's microwave.

Repeat memory at age nineteen.
Hershey's miniatures and Jelly Belly bites between keg-stands.

Even now I'll drop everything for the little girl selling candy door to door.

Frantically search the purses packed away in the closet and pockets of hoodies in the hamper at the sound of a nearby ice cream truck.

I might even knock down a small child standing between myself and a cotton candy stand.

No one knows just what I'm capable of when it comes to satisfying my sweet tooth.

All I can say is that I am a dangerous woman and I hope for all of you that we never have to find out.

Now that I've crushed any bit of nostalgia created and frightened all of the little ones in the room...

These ice cream cone and cupcake kitchen timers might be just what I need to have around to remind me to actually set a timer. 

Gummi bears are enough to make even the worst day better. They're simple. They're adorable, and let's face it there's just something oddly therapeutic about biting off their sweet, little heads. 
[Note: Please don't eat your headphones. 
I don't think I need to say more.]

Sometimes bigger is just better. Eighty-eight times bigger to be exact. On the list of reasons why I love Fred Flare this could be reason #437...uh, million.
[Note: You may eat this one.] 

Spring has finally arrived in all of its soggy glory. These boots are on par with all of the ones I posted in the puddle jumping entry. At the risk of sounding like Heidi Klum and Michael Kors...I must say they are personal favorites so far this season. Just delicious.
Whether you call them nonpareils, jimmies or plain-old sprinkles it just makes sense to me that someone out there would have turned them into an accessory by now. There are necklaces and bracelets available, but it's the ring I find most endearing. Dylan's Candy Bar is the one-stop spot to fill your imaginary online shopping cart full of both actual edibles and these sugar-inspired wearables. 

Fortune cookies 
are undoubtedly my 
favorite part of the whole Chinese take-out routine. Although I don't think one has caused me to become completely unhinged. That was until I came across these bad boys a while back. If I have anything to do about it these will be at my wedding or at the very least in my belly...soon!

"We must remain as close to the flowers, the grass, and the butterflies as the child is who is not yet so much taller than they are.  We adults, on the other hand, have outgrown them and have to lower ourselves to stoop down to them.  It seems to me that the grass hates us when we confess our love for it.  Whoever would partake of all good things must understand how to be small at times." - Friedrich Nietzsche

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older." -Tom Stoppard