Monday, February 21, 2011

Puddle jumping. A survival guide.

I noticed them right away when I moved here. Rain boots and umbrellas. Everywhere. Never in my life have I seen more of them...and never this cute. Quickly I attributed this to the large college population and remembered that I had something that sometimes resembled an umbrella. I'd be fine. And I was.

Until today. I woke up to the largest puddles I have ever seen. The parking lot to my apartment complex looks like a lake. I'm sorry I doubted you, Athens. Time to go shopping for rain boots.

I can't say that I'm disappointed. It's still shoe shopping.

My first favorites are black.
Like most everything in my closet, but these have puppies!

I've often thought that rain boots SHOULD be bright and fun. The weather they put up with is just the opposite. Splashing about in an homage to the sixties would get me through the fact that my eyeliner is streaming down my face. has tons of rain boots. Free overnight delivery. Looks like we have a winner. Thanks, Bri.

And! Not that I have anything personal against Target (besides this, that and the other), but they DO have a gigantic selection of boots.
I must admit they're adorable, too.
Hello Kitty, peacock feathers, animal print, anchors, fruit, polka dots, ponies! Oh, my...all this girl stuff gets me excited.
It's like giving cotton candy and handful of tickets to a child at the fair. Thanks, Amanda.

And the best umbrella I've ever seen? Maybe.
This one's not bad either.

My brother wants a Blues Clues sweater. That's what he said. I think he said it because he thinks my blog is silly. Or that I couldn't find a shirt like it. Either way, now he has to wear it.

1 comment:

  1. aaah these are all so great! glad you found some good ones. endless is pretty much my favorite thing ever.
