Wednesday, January 22, 2014


My friend, Heather, recently posted a list of Ten Rules for Life that reminded her of me. It not only made my day, but also gave me that extra push I needed to put together my own list. Something which, oddly enough, I had been already thinking about doing.

You see, there have been more than a handful of people around me hurting lately. Feeling bad about the choices they've made. Uncertain of how they could ever reverse damage they've done to themselves and others. How does one pull themselves up if they see themselves as a "bad person"?

I tell you what, I am not a great or perfect person. I have done my fair share of hurtful things. I've been hurt. It doesn't take much to turn it around. There's no need to shell out major money for therapy. There are small, super-powerful things you can do to change. If I can do it, believe me, so can you. I have put together a list of five things you can start doing RIGHT NOW to live an awesome life.

1.) Use less.

Start small. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Reuse a cottage cheese container for your leftovers. Try not pulling half the roll of toilet paper off the tube every time. Get yourself reusable grocery bags...and remember to actually take them into the store. These things may seem silly, and maybe almost pointless, but when they start adding up make a big difference. Not only for you, but the collective.

2.) Give more.

Split half of your sandwich with someone who didn't eat today. Dig through the piles of clothes you've got laying around. Clean out your cupboards and under your bathroom sink. Get rid of what you are not using. Simplify your life. Make someone's day better while cleaning out your closet...literally and metaphorically.

3.) Change shape.

Patterns are everywhere. Human beings cling so desperately to their routines. You wake up late for work so you stub your toe, spill your coffee and run a red light. You curse the day because your patterns were disrupted and now there's no way you'll get back on track.

Screw the track, man. Humans can adapt to new surroundings. They just choose not to. Take a different way home from work. Have a bagel and juice instead of coffee and cereal. Purposely pick a movie you wouldn't normally watch. Wear bright green nail polish instead of your usual pink.

If you are aware of the snags and "issues" in your life, but have no idea how to fix them this will help. Switching it up and tricking your mind will open your eyes to the possibilities just outside your peripheral vision. Within these possibilities could lie the answer to your problems or offer and alternative path in which to cope.

4.) Say yes.

This is a common one. Stop being afraid to say yes to new things. Take that leap already and begin to do the things you've always secretly dreamed of doing. It's much easier to adjust to the cold water if you just jump on in.

5.) Say no.

Be firm. Put your foot down and stop letting people walk all over you. This doesn't mean to give up your kindness. Just be aware of those around you who drain your spirit. If you truly care for these people the best thing you can do to help them is to say goodbye. Indulging their behavior only reinforces it. You deserve to be happy and if there are people standing in the way of your goals you must let them go. As the saying goes, "You cannot save people. Only love them." - Anais Nin

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